Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Customer Service---Vital for Keeping Customers

I was so excited to go and pick up my new computer. I had purchased it the previous day and had been assured it would be ready when I came to get it. When I arrived, even though it was only 10 minutes after the store opened, there was a huge line and only 2 workers. After waiting in line for 40 minutes, I was finally helped. The technician went to get my computer and then came back with disturbing wasn't ready...he did not know when it would be ready....and there was no explanation for why it was not ready.
Being in sales and working with people, I know that things happen. What I cannot understand is why someone could not have taken the simple step to send me an email or text, or call me...since all that information was on the work order.
This little incident in my life just reminded me how important customer service, keeping promises to customers, and communicating with customers is. With a virtual Etsy store, where you often have strong competiton and many choices, it is even more vital to remember to have great customer service, deliver on your promises, and communicate with the customer, especially if there is a problem.
Keep a customer happy and they will return, thus making you successful in your dream!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Featured Shop - Kaice Joy

This week featured seller is Kirsti and her shop Kaice Joy

  Kirsti is a single mom, she loves Jesus, and she has four great kids!  Kirsti does daycare full time during the school year.
She started her shop with the help of her sister-in-law, who is an avid fan of Etsy.  Kirsti had been going thru a divorce, and needed a way to supplement her income.  Her shop was born! Ironically, Kirsti had no idea it was such an amazing community based entity:  she initally just threw things in her shop and then had no sales. It wasn't until Kirsti began to invest and discover this warm community, did her shop begin to get noticed and she had more sales!

What does handmade mean to Kirsti:

'' To me, handmade involves using your fingers: manipulating something into another. It is a process that might take 30 seconds or 5 hours, and you might use the click of a mouse, or paints, but something new is created.''

What is your philosophy towards work?
''  I love "work" to be something enjoyable. Working on my shop is relaxing and fun, but not when I am pulling out stitches for the 10th time!! ''

What advice would you give to other Etsy sellers?
'' Instead of thinking of all the reasons why I shouldn't make something a certain way, I am trying to approach my shop with a "Why Not?" mentality. Why not sew my fabric this way? Why not try this combination? There is no real failure, unless I refuse to try.''

Visit our featured shop

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Little Something Special

I wanted to share with you a new personal touch I added to my packing. I believe that the Etsy community prides itself on their unique touch on vintage and handmade items. I personally sale handmade items and wanted to include this information on the package. This is what I did. It's a stamp so I can get endless uses out of it. I hope that when people who bought my product sees this it brings a smile to their face. - Jaclyn

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Keep your Head Up!

I’m very happy to be starting up our blog again.  I hope members of our team can find something here that will help them in some small way.  I know that my posts are always very similar, but I tend to write about what is on my mind. 
I found myself out in my garden, if you want to call it that, the other day.  I like to garden but somehow my summer got away from me and I really didn’t spend as much time there as I would have liked.  It is more like a garden of weeds.  I was walking along and was feeling discouraged about it when I saw several of the sunflowers that I had planted at the end of the "rows".  They were tiny but lovely.  My thought was that even in the midst of a failed project something beautiful still emerged.  As more time has passed even more sunflowers have popped their heads up and flourished in spite of everything.

I hope that we can look past any possible product and shop mistakes and learn and grow from them.  We can be like a sunflower and flourish in spite of the challenges.  A mistake sometimes leads to the inspiration for a new product line or shop idea.   Keep your heads up and smile!  

"Keep your face to the sunshine
and you cannot see the shadow.
It's what sunflowers do."
 Helen Keller

Crazed Momma