Monday, April 2, 2012

Featured Shop of the Week

This week Featured Seller is the person who started this team: Vickie and her shop Green Peridot

 Vickie is  mom to three kids. They are now 13, 9, and 7. She was looking for a way to get back into jewelry, make a little extra money and she found the Etsy website. It didn’t take long to decide that Etsy would be a good place for her to restart her business. Vickie was inspired by the amount of creativity she saw. She loves the site itself and thinks it is beautiful, unique and the photography is great. It is the perfect venue!

 For Vickie, handmade is all about finding the materials she wants to work with and combining them into something she is proud of and something you are unlikely to see anywhere near a box store.

Vickie's philosophy towards work:
"Always try something new, finish my orders in a timely manner and customer service is #1"

 Advice to other Etsy sellers:
Be yourself. Be unique. Don’t under value what you do. Have patience : )

 Visit our featured shop - you can click on each image to bring you to the listing or click on the link - Green Peridot

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