Monday, April 9, 2012

Featured Shop of the week

This week Featured Seller is Michelle and her shop: GoodiesN2Shoes 

Michelle is a 24year old stay at home mom of two boys ages 2 years and 6 months.

Michelle found a pattern of a shoe that  inspired her to start her shop and begin selling on Etsy
She fell in love with the pattern and her creative side went wild. The only problem was all her creations were girly so she needed a place to sell them and that's when she heard about Etsy. It was perfect!

 Handmade to her means it's extra special. It has that extra thought and special touch put into it. Whenever she has an order Michelle tries and takes extra care with what she's making until she's completely satisfied with it.

Michelle's philosophy towards work: 
 Love what you do and do what you love. And the Customer is #1.

 Advice to other Etsy sellers: 
 Don't give up because things are slow. be patient and use that time to create new and fun things for your shop! And PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE! 

 Visit our featured shop - you can click on each image to bring you to the listing or click on the link - 

1 comment:

Etsy Mommies Team said...

Lovely feature! Thanks!!