Saturday, April 14, 2012

Featured Shop of the week

This week featured seller is Niki and her shop  J&E Doodles

 Niki has two kids - Jake, who is 5, and Evie, who is 2. She work full-time outside of the home doing marketing and communications work. After the kids are off to bed is her time to do her own fun things, like create items for Etsy.
Niki's kids and family inspired her shop. Afterher son was born, she discovered just how much she enjoyed making things for him to wear and use. After her daughter's birth, that desire blossomed even more. Niki found herself making all sorts of things for them, but also for other people's birthdays, for shower gifts, for Christmas, and on and on and on. Once I had just about exhausted making gifts for the people she knows, Niki decided to start an Etsy shop to spread those gifts out to some other people.

 To Niki, handmade is anything you can create from something else using the skills you have or can learn. She loves taking a simple piece of yarn or fabric and transforming it into something that didn't exist before


 Niki's philosophy towards work:
" Whether it's my full-time day job, or creating things for Etsy, I want to create and do things that serve a purpose. I love knowing that the marketing piece I've made, or the hat I've created, is going to someone that is going to use it and get the most out of it. I tell my kids all the time that everyone is special and has some unique talent - the most you can do is share that with someone else."

 Niki's Advice to other Etsy sellers:

 "Get involved in the Etsy community - I'm still fairly new to this, but I've met a lot of neat people and continue to meet others. The teams are an excellent way to connect with others that have similar interests to you, but also very diverse interests. Etsy is such a creative community, there is always something you can learn from someone else. The teams are great, the blog features are great, all of it is great! Just take some time out of your day to catch up on all of the resources there are."


 Visit our featured shop - you can click on each image to bring you to the listing or click on the link -

1 comment:

Etsy Mommies Team said...

Such a darling shop and fun things! Way to go J&E.

Thanks Ewa!