Monday, May 7, 2012

Definition of "Mom"

It is my privilege again to write a post for this month.  Of course one of the things on my mind is Mother's Day.  My Etsy Shop seems to revolve around holidays quite a bit.  I find it unfortunate that it seems like we have to celebrate each holiday two months in advance because for the most part Etsy is about business.  :)

With the thought of Mother's Day I automatically think of our team.  I will be always grateful to Vickie for creating the team.  It has made a huge impact in my life.  One of the things that I get concerned about though is our name.  Yes, for the most part we are a team of mothers who are in different stages of life but I would hate for our name to define who is welcome to join.  I believe that some people see "Etsy Mommies" and believe that for whatever reason they don't have children they should be excluded.  This is very much not the case.

I know the official term for mother is someone who has mothered a child whether it be naturally or through adoption but I believe mothering is more about nurturing others in any capacity.  Everyone is capable of this, even gentleman.  So I would like our team members and those considering membership to feel like we are a team of nurturers.  People who assist others in reaching their full potential and support them in their times of need.

So once again as it states in our welcome, we welcome anyone who is a mommy, loves his or her mommy or I might add wants to help "mommy" others in their journey towards success on Etsy.

Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts.  Have a great month!

Crazed Momma

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